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A to Z of Bonsai Terms

Welcome to the A to Z of Bonsai.

We are compiling a worldwide A to Z of Bonsai database. The A to Z is written collaboratively by the people who use it and we would like to encourage anyone reading this page to contribute to what has become the worlds greatest encyclopedia of bonsai terms. Entries when they are made will be added to an editable list which will be checked prior to publication. Photos and images of the bonsai term can be added and links made to relevant web pages.

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David J Sampson

 - (Dealer)  
Entry for Bonsai David J Sampson Dealer   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term David J Sampson Dealer
David-J-sampson.jpg image DAVID J SAMPSON - Offers a premier selection of fine Japanese SUISEKI and associated items for sale.

Contact via website only.

Thanks to - David J Sampson for use of the image


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Sabakan Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Sabakan Tree Style

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SABAKAN - Hollowed or rotten trunk.


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Sabamiki Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Sabamiki Tree Style
ACF96C1.jpg image MIKI>SABAMIKI - As its western naME of "SPLIT TRUNK Style" suggests, this style reflects the position in nature where the trunk has split in two due to action by lightning or by heavy branches peeling away and taking a section of the trunk with them.

The style is typically bare in part and rugged in appearance. It should look like it has "been through the wars." The example shown is an escalonia grown by Peter Thorne of the Ayr BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI Group.


 - (Other)  
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SABI - Often used together with the term "WABI" both of which terms relate to the Japanese sense of shibui, the aesthetic tastefulness and austerity in art and moveMEnt.  Sabi is the sense of beauty that comes with great age and which is acheived by nature, not by man.

Sachi eda

 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Sachi eda Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Sachi eda Tree Parts
Bonsai_san_no_eda1.jpg image EDA>EDA>SACHI EDA - Primary branch which establishes the direction and moveMEnt of the tree.  See also ICHI NO EDA and UKE EDA and SAN NO EDA.

Sagari eda

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Entry for Bonsai Sagari eda Tree Parts   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Sagari eda Tree Parts
bonsai_branch_pruning_01.jpg  image EDA>EDA>SAGARI EDA - Branches (called "sagari eda") growing straight down should be removed from your BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree, unless of course your a growing a cascade style tree.


See Branch PRUNING.

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Sageretia (Sageretia Theezans)

 - (Tree Type (Indoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Sageretia (Sageretia Theezans) Tree Type (Indoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Sageretia (Sageretia Theezans) Tree Type (Indoors)
bonsai_sage_retia_01.jpg image Sageretia (Sageretia TheeZAns) - Notable feature is its patchy, peeling (Plane tree type) BARK. Its slender branches support small, shiny, EVERGREEN LEAVES and white FLOWERS which develop into blue berries.

STYLE : Suited to all styles.

WARNING : High HUMIDITY essential. Site above or near (not on) water.

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Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Saikei Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Saikei Tree Style
saikei.jpg image SAIKEI - Saikei is a landscape in a tray/container forMEd by a grouping of trees together with a selection of plants, rocks, moss and sand to form a landscaped scene.  This style is said to have been created by Toshio Kawamoto inspired by miniature gardens of ancient origin.

Also sometimes referred to in the West as a "composition".

Salisbury Bonsai Society

 - (Club or Group)  
Entry for Bonsai Salisbury Bonsai Society Club or Group   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Salisbury Bonsai Society Club or Group
salisbury.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAISOCIETY>SALISBURY BONSAI SOCIETY - The Society was founded in August 1987 by two local bonsai enthusiasts, Rita Molland and Valerie Casey.

MEets on the first Monday of the month at Laverstock Village Hall Duck Lane at 7.45pm.

Contact is by email at


Samon yose (Sambon Yose)

 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Samon yose (Sambon Yose) Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Samon yose (Sambon Yose) Tree Style
Bonsai_Samon_Yose.jpg image SAMON YOSE (SAMBON YOSE) - GROUP PLANTING with three trees

San no eda

 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai San no eda Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term San no eda Tree Parts
Bonsai_san_no_eda.jpg image EDA>EDA>SAN NO EDA - Japanese term for third branch of a BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree.


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Sankan Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Sankan Tree Style
Bonsai_Sankan.jpg.jpg image SANKAN - Denotes a "3 trunks on the saME tree" triple trunk style.


 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Sapwood Tree Parts   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Sapwood Tree Parts
bonsai_tree_trunk_02.jpg image SAPWOOD - Also known as XYLEM. This section of the trunk sits between the HEARTWOOD and the CAMBIUM. Its function is to transport water and nutrients upwards through the outer ANNUAL RINGs. Sugars are transported downward via the inner BARK (known as the PHLOEM).


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Entry for Bonsai Saramiki Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Saramiki Tree Style

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MIKI>SARAMIKI - Style where the trunk is stripped of its BARK like a dead tree. (See : Sharamiki).

Saruyama Bonsai

 - (Blogs and Advice)  
Entry for Bonsai Saruyama Bonsai Blogs and Advice   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Saruyama Bonsai Blogs and Advice
bonsai_saruyama_bonsai_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>SARUYAMA BONSAI - Professional bonsai and SUISEKI from Peter Warren. Educated by well known Japanese bonsai master Kunio Kobayashi.

Saruyama Bonsai provides a fully comprehensive and professional bonsai service from first styling to regular maintenance. SoME limited sales items but main content relates to display and advice site than a dealer or club.

Satinwood Tree (Murraya Paniculata)

 - (Tree Type (Indoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Satinwood Tree (Murraya Paniculata) Tree Type (Indoors)  Update this bonsai term Satinwood Tree (Murraya Paniculata) Tree Type (Indoors)

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Satsuki Azalea (Rhododendron Indicum)

 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Satsuki Azalea (Rhododendron Indicum) Tree Type (Outdoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Satsuki Azalea (Rhododendron Indicum) Tree Type (Outdoors)
Satsuki-Azalea-2013.jpg image Satsuki AZAlea (Rhododendron Indicum) - Satsuki is the Japanese word for fifth moon or May. In BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI most usually applied to Azaleas because of their tendency to flower for about a month in May.

Azaleas are MEmbers of the Rhododendron family, and are generally thought of as small varieties of that family. However many miniature Rhododendrons have been classified so this does not hold true.

Azaleas and rhododendrons are the same plant, both ERICACEOUS (lime-hating), with thousands of CULTIVARs. They are noted for the wide VARIETY and vibrancy of colours of FLOWERS which bloom mostly on "garden" specimens in mid-spring. Most popular for bonsai are the SATSUKI AZALEAs which are distinguished by often having multiple different coloured blooms on the same tree.

STYLE : Best in all sizes and all styles, except broom.

WARNING : Some fertilizers can be slightly ALKALINE so ensure truly ERICACEOUS FERTILIZER only is used.

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Satsuki Azalea Society

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Satsuki AZAlea Society - No disecernable info available, although it did exist at one stage the old web address does not appear to work.

Satsuki Database

 - (Blogs and Advice)  
Entry for Bonsai Satsuki Database Blogs and Advice   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Satsuki Database Blogs and Advice
Satsuki-Azalea-01.jpg image SATSUKI DATABASE - A web site from the Netherlands dedicated to Rhododendron Satsuki AZAleas.

One section of the site deals with hundreds of naMEd varieties of Satsuki Azaleas with a description and photograph which can be added to by anyone.

Thanks to - SBA Image GAllery for use of the image

Saw - Folding

 - (Tool)  
Entry for Bonsai Saw - Folding Tool   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Saw - Folding Tool
bonsai_folding_saw_02.jpg image SAW - FOLDING - Used for CUTTING>CUTTING branches which are too thick for concave or KNOB CUTTERS.

The blade usually has 16 teeth to the inch and saws on the pull stroke. The blade folds into the handle when not in use.

Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image

Scale insect

 - (Pests and Diseases)  
Entry for Bonsai Scale insect Pests and Diseases   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Scale insect Pests and Diseases
bonsai_scale_insect_01.jpg image SCALE INSECT - These are a group of tiny sap-sucking insects which look like hard white, yellow, red or brown blisters on LEAVES and stems.

They attach themselves via a fluffy, sticky white mass. Removal using a cotton BUD>BUD soaked in MEthylated spirits is effective for small infestations but for larger quantities application of a INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE is the best solution.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image


 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Scion Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Scion Tree Parts

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SCION - A shoot which is GRAFT>GRAFTed onto another plant.

Scissors - long handled

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Entry for Bonsai Scissors - long handled Tool  Update this bonsai term Scissors - long handled Tool
bonsai_scissors_long_handles_01.jpg image SCISSORS - LONG HANDLED - Known in Japan as KoEDA>EDA Kiri Hasami. Used for light branch and twig PRUNING, the long handles enabling access to inner branches.

Scissors used for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI differ from normal scissors in that both blades are sharp i.e. like two knives, which when they CROSS one another cut from both directions rather than one CUTTING>CUTTING edge and a flat edge which could crush plant material.

Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image

Scissors - Root cutting

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Entry for Bonsai Scissors - Root cutting Tool  Update this bonsai term Scissors - Root cutting Tool
bonsai_root_pruning_scissors_01.jpg image CUTTING>CUTTING>SCISSORS - ROOT CUTTING - Known in Japan as Hasami. Heavy duty scissors designed for cutting of tree ROOTS when REPOTTING.

Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris)

 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) Tree Type (Outdoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) Tree Type (Outdoors)
Bonsai_Tree_Images_Scots_Pine_01.jpg image SCOTS PINE (PINUS SYLVESTRIS) - Considered to be Scotlands national tree and one of our INDIGENOUS TREES (SCOTLAND). In Britain grows wild mainly in Scotland but is the most widely distributed CONIFER in the world. An EVERGREEN coniferous tree. Widely indigenous aCROSS western Europe and into Asia. A two NEEDLEd pine greatly underrated as a BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.

STYLE : Suitable for most styles, except broom, but particularly good for literati.

WARNING : Do not confuse mycorrhiZAl funghi for ROOT APHIDs when REPOTTING. The Scots Pine and MYCORRHIZAl funghi have a symbiotic relationship which benefits both organismisms. Prevent ROOT ROT by protecting from prolonged rain

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Thanks to - Scottish Bonsai Association for use of the image

Scottish Bonsai Association (SBA)

 - (Club or Group)  
Entry for Bonsai Scottish Bonsai Association (SBA) Club or Group   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Scottish Bonsai Association (SBA) Club or Group
sbalogocolour.gif image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAIASSOCIATION(SBA)>SCOTTISH BONSAI ASSOCIATION (SBA) - The umbrella organisation for many of the local bonsai clubs in Scotland. Goals are to teach and encourage interest in the ART OF BONSAI and to support the NATIONAL BONSAI COLLECTION OF SCOTLAND. Also sponsors the National Exhibition , held annually, which in 2016 will be held in Bannockburn near Stirling.

President: Jeff Banning
Vice President: Mike
Secretary: Dave Waddinton
Treasurer: Ina Morris 0131 3331525

The MEmber clubs of the SBA can be viewed by clicking the More Info button below

 Bonsai_Scottish Bonsai Association (SBA) Club or Group Bonsai More

Scottish National Bonsai Collection

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Entry for Bonsai Scottish National Bonsai Collection Club or Group   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Scottish National Bonsai Collection Club or Group
National_Bonsai_Collection.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAICOLLECTION>SCOTTISH NATIONAL BONSAI COLLECTION - The Scottish National Bonsai Collection is a charitable tRUST housed at BINNY PLANTS Ecclesmachan, West Lothian.

The collection is housed in a display area of the garden centre and is free to view for MEmbers of the public. More information regarding the collection can be seen by clicking the web link.

Contact :


Seaweed Extract

 - (Fertiliser)  
Entry for Bonsai Seaweed Extract Fertiliser   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Seaweed Extract Fertiliser

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SEAWEED EXTRACT - Seaweed extract, is claiMEd to be good for improving the soil, although there are differing opinions on its benefits.

The attached guide from Kaizen BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI gives a balanced view, concluding that, using seaweed products alongside a good fertiliser regime can improve results and lead to healthier bonsai.


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Sekijoju Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Sekijoju Tree Style

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SEKIJOJU - Tree style where ROOTS are grown over the top of a rock into the soil beneath. See “root over rock” style BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.

Semi-cascade pot

 - (Pot)  
Entry for Bonsai Semi-cascade pot Pot  Update this bonsai term Semi-cascade pot Pot
bonsai_pot_semi_cascade_01.jpg image SEMI-CASCADE POT - Designed for semi cascade and can be any SHAPE (square, round, hexagonal) but tend to be rather "squat" in style.

This picture shows an attractive example from the site of British BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.


 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Semi-evergreen Tree Type (Outdoors)  Update this bonsai term Semi-evergreen Tree Type (Outdoors)

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EVERGREEN>SEMI-EVERGREEN - A tree which keeps its LEAVES in a mild winter but loses soME or all of its foliage in a hard one.


 - (Other)  
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SENSAI - This word is generally used to show respect to soMEone who has acheived a certain level of mastery in an art form (or some other area)  such as novelists and musicians.  It is also used for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI masters who have attained a high level of skill.

Sequestered iron

 - (Treatments)  
Entry for Bonsai Sequestered iron Treatments  Update this bonsai term Sequestered iron Treatments
bonsai_sequestered_iron_02.jpg image SEQUESTERED IRON - Sequestered iron supplies the necessary iron in a form plants can use to correct iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency results in pale yellow LEAVES, poor growth and is the main reason why rhododendrons, heathers and other liME haters cannot be grown well on chalky or ALKALINE soils. The iron comes in several forms, often mixed with other beneficial ingredients such as SEAWEED EXTRACT and magnesium.


 - (Fertiliser)  
Entry for Bonsai Sequestrene  Fertiliser  Update this bonsai term Sequestrene  Fertiliser
bonsai_sequestrene_02.jpg image SEQUESTRENE - Brand of product delivering SEQUESTERED IRON. Sequestered iron supplies the necessary iron in a form plants can use to correct iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency results in pale yellow LEAVES, poor growth and is the main reason why rhododendrons, heathers and other liME haters cannot be grown well on chalky or ALKALINE soils. The iron comes in several forms, often mixed with other beneficial ingredients such as SEAWEED EXTRACT and magnesium.


 - (Growing Medium)  
Entry for Bonsai Seramis Growing Medium  Update this bonsai term Seramis Growing Medium

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SERAMIS - Clay Granules. Made from pure clay mined in Germany, Seramis is a high quality growing MEdium suitable for use in drip re-circulating hydroponic systems and passive hydroculture. 

Serrate (leaf)

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Entry for Bonsai Serrate (leaf) Antique Potters  Update this bonsai term Serrate (leaf) Antique Potters

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SERRATE (LEAF) - Describes a leaf margin which is evenly toothed like a saw.


 - (Other)  
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SESSILE - Without a stalk or PETIOLE>PETIOLE

Shady Plants

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Entry for Bonsai Shady Plants Dealer   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Shady Plants Dealer
ferns.jpg image SHADY PLANTS - A family run specialist fern nursery,  situated in the fern rich area of the Blackwater valley in Co. Waterford.
They claim to have a large selection of HARDY>HARDY ferns for sale, probably the widest selection of garden ferns to buy online in Europe. We also have a good range of ferns suitable for the house, conservatory or Terrarium, now in their separate section.

Contact via web site

Address is:
Mike Keep
Shady Plants Fern Nursery
Co. Waterford
Rep. of Ireland.

Tel: 00353- 86 0542171

Thanks to - Shady Plants Fern Nursery for use of the image


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Shakan Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Shakan Tree Style

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SHAKAN - See “slanting” style BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI

Shan shui penjing

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bonsai_shan_shui_01.jpg image JING>SHAN SHUI PENJING - Chinese term describing a Chinese art form including landscape with rocks, water and soMEtimes plants in its imagry.  Term also used in painting.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Shape Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Shape Tree Style
Bonsai_Maple_03.jpg image SHAPE - What shape should a BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI be? Well any really and there are a number of bonsai styles that emulate trees in real life. The size and style allow bonsai trees to be categorised for show purposes so many will fall into one of the show categories.

What if I am just starting and don't really want to show my bonsai trees (except to friends etc). Well as a rule of thumb many first tiME bonsai trees are purchased for one of a large chain of stores or maybe even from a flower show and most of them come in one style - informal upright. It is therefore a good idea to follow the style the tree already follows.

Click the More button.


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 - (Procedure)  
Entry for Bonsai Shari Procedure  Update this bonsai term Shari Procedure
bonsai_nejikan_01.jpg   image SHARI - A shari is an area of DEADWOOD which extends down the trunk of a tree.

It is created by tearing away BARK from a JIN and continuing this down the trunk. The area is then treated with liME sulphur to whiten and preserve the deadwood which has been exposed.

See also  - NEJIKAN.


 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Sharimiki Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Sharimiki Tree Parts

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SHARIMIKI>SHARIMIKI - A portion of the trunk of a BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI which has had the BARK removed and the exposed wood has been textured and bleached to emulate weather-torn trees in exposed mountain sites.


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Shidari Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Shidari Tree Style
bonsai_shidari_01.jpg image SHIDARI - Also terMEd ZUKURI in the East and WEEPING Style in the West. Similar to style in nature of the weeping willow.

Bottom branches should be bigger than the top, as in other styles, and will weep less than top branches. SHOOTS should be trained early to produce the "fishing pole" curve effect. In this case the curve can be achieved using weights as opposed to wire.

Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image

Shield graft

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GRAFT>GRAFT>SHIELD GRAFT - Also known as "BUD>BUDGRAFT>BUD GRAFT". In this process the BARK of the tree where the graft is to be applied should be first well-soaked with water and a "T" cut should be made through to the CAMBIUM in the location where the new branch is required.

With shield/bud grafting, instead of a SCION, just a small piece of bark with a well-forMEd heel is cut from the scion and inserted inside the "T" of the stock. This heel is the DORMANTBUD>DORMANT BUD lying at the join between the trunk and the leaf AXIL. The wound bound with RAFFIA and coated with wax.


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Entry for Bonsai Shikikan Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Shikikan Tree Style
Bonsai_Shikikan_Style.jpg image SHIKIKAN - Tree with seven trunks

Shima Ishi

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Gardening_Scotland_Bonsai_Winners_Shima-Ishi.jpg image SHIMA ISHI - Stone placed in a water filled tray.

Shin (Ten)

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bonsai_branch_structure_02.jpg image SHIN (TEN) - Japanese term describing the APEX of the tree.  See also "ten"


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Shito Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Shito Tree Style
Bonsai_shito.jpg image SHITO - Tree size sub-CLASSIFICATION in the "Miniature" BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI range, MEasuring 5-10 cms.  Also referred to in Japan as "Fingertip size" i.e. can be held in the fingertips.

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 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Shohaku Tree Type (Outdoors)  Update this bonsai term Shohaku Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_driftwood_juniper_01.jpg image SHOHAKU - Japanese term for CONIFERs and EVERGREENs such as pine and juniper

Shohin (size)

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Entry for Bonsai Shohin (size) Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Shohin (size) Tree Style
bonsai_shohin_musk_maple_01.jpg image SHOHIN (SIZE) - This MEdium sizing CLASSIFICATION for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI is pronounced "sho-hin" and is between 15-30 cms (6-12 inches) in height.

Being larger than MAME , the shohin tree can usually incorporate more detail into the design. Generally the measurement is taken as the longest line of the tree. So in upright trees it is from the rim of the pot to the APEX of the tree. For cascades it would be the apex to the tip. Generally, the proportion rather more critical than the exact size.

Shohin tree shown is a Musk Maple, courtesy of WATTSTON BONSAI.

Thanks to - Wattston Bonsai for use of the image

Shohin Europe

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bonsai_shohin_bonsai_europe_01.png image SHOHIN EUROPE - Shohin blog by Morten Albeck , Danish BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI artist.
Thanks to - Shohin Europe for use of the image


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bonsai_bud_break_02.jpg image SHOOTS - Shoots are new plant growth which develop into stems and branches which becoME leaf, and possibly, flower bearing.


 - (Tool)  
Entry for Bonsai Sieve Tool  Update this bonsai term Sieve Tool
bonsai_sieve_01.jpg image SIEVE - Basically the saME as the familiar garden sieve but for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI it is often sold with interchangeable sieve screens in order to effectively sort the GROWING MEDIUM by size.
Thanks to - Green Dragon for use of the image

Sinuate (leaf)

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SINUATE (LEAF) - Describes a leaf with a strongly waved or undulating margin e.g. oak leaf.

Slugs and snails

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SLUGS AND SNAILS - These attack the ROOTS, SHOOTS and LEAVES of the plant and can do a lot of damage in a very short tiME.

They do most damage at night or when it is wet, so ensure that any dead leaves or other hiding places are cleared away. They can be picked off if visible but otherwise the use of a pellet type slug bait near the pot is likely to be the most effective deterrent.

Small ermine moth

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Entry for Bonsai Small ermine moth Pests and Diseases   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Small ermine moth Pests and Diseases
bonsai_small_ermine_moth_01.jpg image SMALL ERMINE MOTH - Signs of infestation are webs wrapped around the foliage, silken threads between LEAVES and possibly a visible cocoon on the tree. SoMEtimes the caterpillar may be seen on the undersides of leaves.

Recommended treatment is to cut away infected branches or, before the damage becomes really serious, apply tar oil. Also, halfway through spring, when the CATERPILLARS shed their skins, an application of organophosphate contact INSECTICIDE may be applied.

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Entry for Bonsai Snag Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Snag Tree Parts

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SNAG - A section of stem left above a BUD>BUD when PRUNING.

SNS Yamadori

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Entry for Bonsai SNS Yamadori Dealer   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term SNS Yamadori Dealer
bonsai_sns_yamadori_01.jpg image SNS YAMADORI - SNS Yamadori are specialists in individual quality raw material.

Contact -

Tel: 07779 169312 or 01934 514243



Soil scoop

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Entry for Bonsai Soil scoop Tool  Update this bonsai term Soil scoop Tool
bonsai_soil_scoop_01.jpg image SOIL SCOOP - Small scoops available in plastic or (more expensive) stainless steel, used during REPOTTING to MEasure out and apply manageable quantities of soil.


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Soju Tree Style   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Soju Tree Style

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SOJU - GROUP PLANTING of two trees. In all multiple-trunk styles, conventional BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI speciMEns use trees of the same SPECIES.

As with the twin-trunk style, the two-tree style has a dominant, larger tree and a smaller one. The two trees may be set very close to one another, as in the twin-trunk style. They may also be set apart, as they do not share a single root.



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SOKAN - Tree with two trunks emanating from the base.  See “twin trunk” style of BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI

Southern Beech

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Entry for Bonsai Southern Beech Tree Type (Outdoors)  Update this bonsai term Southern Beech Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_nothofagus_01.JPG image SOUTHERN BEECH - See NOTHOFAGUS


 - (Tool)  
Entry for Bonsai Spatula Tool  Update this bonsai term Spatula Tool
bonsai_spatula_01.jpg image SPATULA - A spatula is used for tamping soil around the base of BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI. It is often at the opposite end of a bonsai RAKE or bonsai TWEEZERS.
Thanks to - Ryuga for use of the image

Spatulate (leaf)

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Entry for Bonsai Spatulate (leaf) Tree Parts   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Spatulate (leaf) Tree Parts
Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image SPATULATE(LEAF)>SPATULATE (LEAF) - ELONGATED spoon SHAPEd leaf with stem at the narrow end.

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Spear shaped (leaf)

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Entry for Bonsai Spear shaped (leaf) Tree Parts   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Spear shaped (leaf) Tree Parts
Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image SHAPED(LEAF)>SPEAR SHAPED (LEAF) -
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 - (Other)  
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SPECIES - Plants which are genetically similar and which reproduce exactly when self-fertilised.

Plants are subdivided into Family, GENUS, Species and then CULTIVAR>CULTIVAR. Cultivars or HYBRID are the more modern terms for VARIETY.

Spherical knob cutter

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Entry for Bonsai Spherical knob cutter Tool  Update this bonsai term Spherical knob cutter Tool
Bonsai_Knob_Cutter_01.jpg image SPHERICAL KNOB CUTTER - SoMEtimes also referred to as a "wen" cutter.

Used for PRUNING branches close to the trunk. They have a concave CUTTING>CUTTING edge in both directions, resulting in a small round hollow which heals more quickly and more invisibly.

They are also used for intial rough carving of dead wood and JINs and whittling away stubs which are too large for one cut.

Spider Mite

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Entry for Bonsai Spider Mite Pests and Diseases   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Spider Mite Pests and Diseases
bonsai_red_spider_mite_01.jpg image SPIDER MITE - Signs of infestation are patches of dry foliage, particularly on small-NEEDLEd CONIFERs. SoME fine web-like structures may also be seen, although the mites themselves are too small to be seen by the naked eye.

By shaking the affected branch over a peice of white paper it may be possible to dislodge dead mites which appear as small black specs. The live mites cling tightly to the tree and so are best treated with a INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE spray.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Split Trunk

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Entry for Bonsai Split Trunk Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Split Trunk Tree Style
ACF96BF.jpg image SPLIT TRUNK - Japanese term : MIKI>SABAMIKI. As its naME suggests this reflects the position in nature where the trunk has split in two due to action by lightning or by heavy branches peeling away and taking a section of the trunk with them.

This style is typically bare in part and rugged in appearance. It should look like it has "been through the wars."

The example shown is an escalonia grown by Peter Thorne of the Ayr BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI Group.

Spraying (water)

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bonsai_sprayer_01.jpg image SPRAYING (WATER) - Spraying is an essential part of WATERING. Plants should be "mist-sprayed" via a fine rose attached to a watering can or via a hand operated sprayer in orde to refresh the foliage , provide a humid atmosphere and wash away any dust.

Newly potted trees often benefit more from mist spraying to prevent excessive evaporation from the LEAVES.

Thanks to - Lous Bonsai Florida for use of the image

Spruce (Picea Abies)

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Entry for Bonsai Spruce (Picea Abies) Tree Type (Outdoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Spruce (Picea Abies) Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_spruce_01.jpg image SPRUCE (PICEA ABIES) - Often terMEd Common Spruce or Norway Spruce. Has orange/brown BARK when young which turns to purple/grey when mature. Foliage is dark green, flattened, NEEDLE-like. Often grown in DWARF form (Little Gem/Maxwellii).

STYLE : Suited to all styles except broom.

WARNING : Dense foliage makes spruce particularly prone to red SPIDER MITE and SPRUCE APHID attack.

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Thanks to - Green Dragon Bonsai for use of the image

Spruce Aphid

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Entry for Bonsai Spruce Aphid Pests and Diseases   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Spruce Aphid Pests and Diseases
bonsai_spruce_aphid_01 (2).jpg image SPRUCE APHID - A small, green, sap-sucking insect which infests spruce trees during winter resulting in NEEDLE DIE-BACK and in severe cases death of the tree. Another sign of infestation is a black sooty mould on stem joints.

TreatMEnt is possible using Bayer PROVADO Ultimate Bug Killer Concentrate or Bayer Sprayday Greenfly Killer applied in autumn and winter

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 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Spur Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Spur Tree Parts
Bonsai_crab_apple.jpg image SPUR - Specialised short branch on a FRUIT tree which produces the blossom.


 - (Other)  
Entry for Bonsai Starch Other   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Starch Other
Starch_Amylopektin_Sessel_01.png image STARCH - Starch is produced by a plant from excess carbohydrate and stored for later use when enzyMEs convert the starch back into sugar or glucose, which is then dissolved and passed into the PHLOEM to be moved throughout the plant by OSMOSIS.

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Sterilized bark

 - (Growing Medium)  
Entry for Bonsai Sterilized bark Growing Medium   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Sterilized bark Growing Medium
sterilised-bark-01.jpg image BARK>STERILIZED BARK - Bark is an organic fibrous material that holds a lot of moisture and as such is a useful addition to a BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI soil mix.

As with all mixes it is important to get the balance right as too much water retention can be damaging in the DORMANTPERIOD>DORMANT PERIOD. The best ingredient is sterilised (by application of heat) in order to minimise/eliminate any pest/disease content.

Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image

Steve Tolley Bonsai

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Entry for Bonsai Steve Tolley Bonsai Dealer   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Steve Tolley Bonsai Dealer
bonsai_steve_tolley_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>STEVE TOLLEY BONSAI - Runs Four DiMEnsional Art to provide high quality trees (yamadori from Europe) and nursery grown from Japan) allied with expert bonsai tuition.

Contact -


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Stewartia (Stuartia)

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STEWARTIA (STUARTIA) - ACID loving tree related to the caMElia. Most common BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI varieties are "monadelpha" and "pseudocamellia".

Despite bearing large white FLOWERS and spectacular autumn foliage, the most striking aspect of this tree is its shiny, copper-brown BARK. Winter image is much treasured.

STYLE : Best suited to formal upright or group.

WARNING : Delicate bark scars easily from WIRING. If PRUNING scars properly hollowed and sealed they will heal invisibly. If not they will leave ugly lumps.

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STIPULE - A leafy appendage at the base of a PETIOLE>PETIOLE, as often seen in quince or hawthorn, which often falls by mid-sumMEr

Stoma (plural = stomata)

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Entry for Bonsai Stoma (plural = stomata) Tree Parts   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Stoma (plural = stomata) Tree Parts
Tomato_leaf_stomate.jpg image Stoma (plural = STOMATA) - These are minscule openings in the pores of LEAVES through which oxygen and carbon dioxide are absorbed.

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LeafUndersideWithStomata.jpg image STOMATA - Microscopically small openings in the epidermis of the green parts of the tree through which gases pass out of and into the tree from the air.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Stone Monkey Ceramics

 - (Pot)  
Entry for Bonsai Stone Monkey Ceramics Pot   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Stone Monkey Ceramics Pot
bonsai_stone_monkey_01.jpg image STONE MONKEY CERAMICS - Maker of high quality ceramic BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI pots. Online sales only. Contact details via web


 - (Procedure)  
Entry for Bonsai Strike Procedure  Update this bonsai term Strike Procedure

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STRIKE - The successful outcoME of taking CUTTING>CUTTINGs. Cuttings "strike" whereas GRAFT>GRAFTs "take".

Structure of a tree

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Entry for Bonsai Structure of a tree Tree Parts   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Structure of a tree Tree Parts
bonsai_tree_structure_01.jpg image STRUCTURE OF A TREE - Describes the main components of the tree : underground ROOTS/surface roots/trunk/branches/foliage


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SPECIES>SUB-SPECIES - This is a VARIETY within a species which has identifiable characteristics different from other sub-species e.g. ACER PALMATUM - amoenum


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Entry for Bonsai Subtropical Tree Type (Outdoors)  Update this bonsai term Subtropical Tree Type (Outdoors)

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SubTROPICAL - Describes a tree which can tolerate low temperatures but cannot tolerate total freezing.

Subulate leaf

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image SUBULATE LEAF - Awl SHAPEd, TAPERing to a pointed APEX.


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SUCKERS - A sucker is a BASAL SHOOT that grows from the base of a tree or shrub

Sui Ban

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bonsai_suiban_01.jpg image SUI BAN - Suiban are shallow trays used to display "SUISEKI" viewing stones. 

They are often filled with a layer of sand or water on/in which the stone is placed.


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Suiseki_Stone_1.jpg image SUISEKI - Suiseki (pronounced suu-ee-seck-ee) are small, naturally forMEd stones admired for their beauty and for the image they convey of scenes from nature such as a mountain, a waterfall, an island, a thatched hut, or an animal.

Super Drive

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Entry for Bonsai Super Drive Treatments   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Super Drive Treatments
bonsai_super_drive_01.jpg image SUPER DRIVE - Super Drive Plant Growth Stimulant, like SUPERTHRIVE, is a powerful plant growth enhancer. It contains specialized plant extracts blended to create a unique and powerful growth enhancer.

Super Drive can be used at every stage of plant growth from seeds and CUTTING>CUTTINGs to maintaining ancient BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI trees. Particularly effective as a foliar spray. Highly concentrated formulation MEans high dilution rate, one little bottle goes an extremely long way.

Thanks to - Kaizan Bonsai for use of the image


 - (Treatments)  
Entry for Bonsai Superthrive Treatments  Update this bonsai term Superthrive Treatments
bonsai_superthrive_01.jpg image SUPERTHRIVE - Advertised as the best known and most respected plant growth stimulant ever made with the following attributes :

-Promotes plant vigor in all pot grown plants and BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.
-Improves foliage colour of your Bonsai.
-Increases the uptake of fertilizers.
-Increases foliage density.
-Helps resistance to pest and disease
-Increases root mass.
-Increases the survival rate of collected trees.
-Speeds up rooting of CUTTING>CUTTINGs and air layers.
-Speeds recover of bonsai from re-potting.
-Restores plants following pest infestation and dehydration.
-Improves resistance to extreMEs of cold and heat.

Sussex Bonsai Group

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Entry for Bonsai Sussex Bonsai Group Club or Group   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Sussex Bonsai Group Club or Group
wivelsfield.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAIGROUP>SUSSEX BONSAI GROUP - Sussex Bonsai Group was founded in August 1979 by a small group of enthusiasts interested in the art and culture of Bonsai. The aim of the Club is to promote the awareness, the understanding and skill associated with Bonsai.

The Club is a non-profit making organisation with all expenses found from within the MEmbership.

The Group meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Wivelsfield Village Hall, West Sussex.  A full list of club meetings for 2014 can be found on the web site.

Swindon & District Bonsai

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Entry for Bonsai Swindon & District Bonsai Club or Group   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Swindon & District Bonsai Club or Group
bonsai_swindon_district_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>SWINDON & DISTRICT BONSAI - The club annually stages a major exhibition of Bonsai at our show which is held at, The Premier Club, Swindon. This usually takes place in February.

Our aim is to promote the hobby of Bonsai growing in every way. We welcoME new members to join us, it doesn’t matter if you are a total beginner to the ART OF BONSAI or very experienced.

Contact :

 Bonsai_Swindon & District Bonsai Club or Group Bonsai More
Thanks to - From Swindon Bonsai site for use of the image

Systemic Insecticide

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Entry for Bonsai Systemic Insecticide  Treatments   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Systemic Insecticide  Treatments
bonsai_systemic_insecticide_01.jpg image INSECTICIDE>SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE - The term systemic MEans that the chemical is soluble enough in water to be absorbed by a plant and moved around in its tissues.

Movement of systemic insecticides, like all transportable chemicals in the plant, takes place principally in the plant's vascular system.

Systemic insecticides used within BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI culture are readily available at your local garden centre as they are the same as used on full sized garden plants.

Thanks to - Provado for use of the image

Systemic pesticide

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SYSTEMIC PESTICIDE - A pesticide which goes inside the plant and travels in the sap stream.

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Ishizuke, Ishitsuki, Ishitzuki
Rock garden style characterised by entire tree planted on a rock but with no soil in the pot. Water or sand ofetn in the base of the pot.

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Gardening Scotland

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