Welcome to the A to Z of Bonsai.
We are compiling a worldwide A to Z of Bonsai database. The A to Z is written collaboratively by the people who use it and we would like to encourage anyone reading this page to contribute to what has become the worlds greatest encyclopedia of bonsai terms. Entries when they are made will be added to an editable list which will be checked prior to publication. Photos and images of the bonsai term can be added and links made to relevant web pages.
- 7 entries |
EDA>EDA>UKE EDA - Counterweight to the primary branch (SACHI EDA) positioned on the opposite side of the tree to give the design balance.
FLOWERS>UMBELLATE FLOWERS - Characteristic of umbelliferous plants, in which the flowers arise from the saME point in the main stem and have stalks of the same length, to give a cluster with the youngest flowers at the centre
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image |
ME(JAPANESEPLUM)>UME (JAPANESE PLUM) - Ume is an Asian tree SPECIES classified as GENUS Prunus. Its common names include Chinese plum and Japanese apricot. It is a DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREE with oval, TAPER pointed, mid-green LEAVES producing blossom, FRUITs and large blooms of fragrant FLOWERS on bare winter branches.
STYLE : suited to every style, except formal upright and broom.
WARNING : Do not allow soil to dry out while in BUD>BUD, otherwise buds will drop. Protect from frost to avoid DIE-BACK or flower damage. Picture courtesy of British BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.
Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image |
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UNDERPLANTING - Growing of low growing, small plants underneath BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI speciMEns.
UNIFOLIATE (LEAF) - Having a single leaf.
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image |
URO (HOLLOW) - This is a small hollow in the trunk of DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREEs created to mimic the effect when, in nature, a branch is lost leaving an indentation where the branch used to be.
Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image |
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EDA>EDA>USHIRO EDA - Japanese term for the back branch of a BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI placed to give perspective to the image.