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A to Z of Bonsai Terms

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We are compiling a worldwide A to Z of Bonsai database. The A to Z is written collaboratively by the people who use it and we would like to encourage anyone reading this page to contribute to what has become the worlds greatest encyclopedia of bonsai terms. Entries when they are made will be added to an editable list which will be checked prior to publication. Photos and images of the bonsai term can be added and links made to relevant web pages.

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Letter - 38 entries

Tachi eda

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bonsai_branch_pruning_01.jpg  image EDA>EDA>TACHI EDA - Branches (called "tachi eda") growing straight up should be removed from your BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree. 


See Branch PRUNING.

Take (budding)

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BUD>BUDDING)>TAKE (BUDDING) - The successful out coME of budding. GRAFT>GRAFTs "take" whereas CUTTING>CUTTINGs "STRIKE".

Tako Zukuri

 - (Tree Style)  
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bonsai_tako_zukuri_02.jpg image Tako ZUKURI - TerMEd the "OCTOPUS Style" in the West because of its exagerated twists and turns in both trunk and branch often accompanied by contorted, well-exposed root. The overall effect of the style should be to make the tree should look like a scary, monster tree from a fairy tale.

The photo on the left is from a naturally contorted beech in the south west of Scotland.

Thanks to - SBA Gallery for use of the image

Tan gei

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TAN GEI - Generic Japanese term to denote BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI material.

Tan gei

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TAN GEI - Generic Japanese term to denote BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI material.


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TANKAN - Single trunk tree so terMEd in the CLASSIFICATION by number of trunks on a single set of results.


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Entry for Bonsai Tanuki Tree Style   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Tanuki Tree Style
bonsai_tanuki_juniper_01.jpg image TANUKI - In Japanese folklore, tanuki is a Japanese raccoon dog, noted as a SHAPE-changing trickster.

A tanuki BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI, is where a living tree is joined to a piece of DEADWOOD to create a composite in the DRIFTWOOD style. It is not genuine driftwood-style which are very rare.

The tanuki process enables the creation of a driftwood-style product from more commonly available materials. The technique involves adding living material (often juniper) to a section of deadwood via a groove in the deadwood. It is fixed using screws, wire wrappings, or CLAMPS. Over tiME, the young tree grows into the deadwood channel, fusing with teh deadwood. Once matured the fixings are removed.

The picture shown is a Tanuki Juniper, courtesy of WATTSTON BONSAI.

Thanks to - Wattston Bonsai for use of the image

Tape - self amalgamating

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Entry for Bonsai Tape - self amalgamating Tool  Update this bonsai term Tape - self amalgamating Tool
bonsai_self_amalgamating_tape_01.jpg image TAPE - SELF AMALGAMATING - Used instead of, and soMEtimes together with, rafia when bending branches.

This rubber tape is slightly tacky and sticks to itself when stretched around branches. The tape is really flexible and will stretch to more than five times its original length.

Self amalgamating tape is also useful for joining together a branch which has been broken say during the WIRING process and will hold the parts of the branch exactly in place while the tree heals itself. The tape which can be left on the branch and will deteriorate over a few years by which time the branch is repaired.

Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image


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TAPER - The gradual lessening of the thickness of the trunk or branches towards their extreMEties.

The general guideline in BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI is that tapering should be relatively uniform and that INVERSE TAPER should be avoided.

Taunton & Somerset Bonsai Club

 - (Club or Group)  
Entry for Bonsai Taunton & Somerset Bonsai Club Club or Group  Update this bonsai term Taunton & Somerset Bonsai Club Club or Group
taunton.jpg image MERSETBONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAICLUB>TAUNTON & SOMERSET BONSAI CLUB - Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.15pm.

Meetings at: United Reformed Church Hall
Paul Street

Tel :01823 619475

Taxus Baccata

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bonsai_yew_01.jpg image TAXUS BACCATA - See : Yew-Common

Taxus Cuspidata

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bonsai_japanese_yew_01.jpg image TAXUS CUSPIDATA - See : Yew-Japanese

Thanks to - Wattston Bonsai for use of the image

Ten (apex)

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bonsai_branch_structure_021.jpg image APEX)>TEN (APEX) - Alternative Japanese term describing the apex of a tree.  See also " Shin "

The Art of Bonsai Design

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Entry for Bonsai The Art of Bonsai Design Books and Articles  Update this bonsai term The Art of Bonsai Design Books and Articles

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DevelopMEnt of several trees from a number of SPECIES, with some fascinating horticultural and practical details.

The Bonsai Book

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First published in 1989 but still considered to be one of teh "go to" books on bonsai.

The Bonsai Group

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enfield.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAIGROUP>THE BONSAI GROUP - CELLspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left">
The Bonsai Group

Joy Savage


Tel No:



Capel Manor College, EN1 4RQ


Second Tuesday 7.30pm, most months

The Complete Book of Bonsai

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Entry for Bonsai The Complete Book of Bonsai Books and Articles  Update this bonsai term The Complete Book of Bonsai Books and Articles

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Early book on practical techniques and pictures of a huge number of SPECIES at various stages of developMEnt.

Thinning out

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THINNING OUT - PRUNING to achieve a more open structure in the tree.

Thread grafting

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GRAFT>GRAFTING>THREAD GRAFTING - Threadgrafting is a process where a hole is made through the trunk and the the SCION (new shoot) is then threaded through the hole and fixed into position - after exposing the CAMBIUM of the shoot.

As the scion and the trunk continue to grow they swell and are forced together; eventually grafting together.

This MEthod is suitable for DECIDUOUS and BROADLEAF>BROADLEAF trees but not for CONIFERous SPECIES where complete DEFOLIATION of the scion will result only in the death of the shoot.

Three points

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THREE POINTS - The basic SHAPE for most BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI is soME form of triangular image where the 3 points of the triangle represent Heaven, Earth and Humanity.


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Entry for Bonsai Tochoshi Tree Parts   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Tochoshi Tree Parts
bonsai_branch_pruning_01.jpg image TOCHOSHI - Branches (called "Tochoshi") growing much longer than other branches should be removed from your BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree, however, this branch is soMEtimes used to adjust the growth of other branches and/or growth of the trunk for the purpose of making the trunk and other branches thicker or to slow down their growth i.e. a sacrificial branch which will be removed at a later date.


See Branch PRUNING.

Thanks to - for use of the image


 - (Other)  
Entry for Bonsai Tokonoma Other  Update this bonsai term Tokonoma Other
bonsai_tokanoma_01.JPG image TOKONOMA - Traditional Japanese display area often an alcove in a house which is set aside for the purpose. The contents of a Tokonama would most likely be a family BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree on a table or display area, with a smaller tree or accent plant and a simple scroll on the wall.

Thanks to - Photo by Jeff Banning at Coventry Traders Show 2012 for use of the image

Tony Remington Studio

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TONY REMINGTON STUDIO - Individually designed, high quality BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI and accent plant pots. Contact via website only

Tony Tickle

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Entry for Bonsai Tony Tickle Dealer   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Tony Tickle Dealer
Tony_Tickle.jpg image TONY TICKLE - Tony has been working with BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI since 1983, he specialises in native European trees, in particular; HAWTHORN (CRATAEGUS), YEW - COMMON (TAXUS BACCATA) and Pine (see Pine - Scots (Pinus sylvestris) and others). He won his first Ginkgo awards in 1997, UK winner and runner up in the European New talent competition in 1995.

Tony demonstrates at major conferences throughout the UK and Europe, Tony is widely published with a regular column in BONSAI FOCUS. Tony has had Bonsai selected for four Gingko awards, Nominated for a Noelanders award in 2009, World Conferences and many European events.


Contact Tony through his web site linked above.

Bonsai Videos  Bonsai_Tony Tickle Dealer Bonsai More
Thanks to - for use of the image

Tools for bonsai

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bonsai_tools_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>TOOLS FOR BONSAI - As with many hobbies there are many "specialist" tools which have been developed to carry out specific tasks. However, there are a small slection of basic bonsai tools which will cover most requireMEnts. These include - 

In some cases tools can be developed from other items. For example, a RAKE can be made by bending the tines of a dinner fork, or ordinary pliers can be used instead of JINPLIERS>JIN PLIERS. The important thing is to match the tools to the type of bonsai work intended e.g. : small tools for small trees and larger tools for large trees.

Tortrix moth

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TORTRIX MOTH - Small brown or green CATERPILLARS spin edges of LEAVES together and feed within this protective cover, forming irregularly SHAPEd holes during May/June period.

Affected leaves should be picked and destroyed . Spray with INSECTICIDE if necessary.


 - (Other)  
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Tomato_leaf_stomate.jpg image TRANSPIRATION - This is the process of water loss from trees as STOMATA (small openings on the undersides of LEAVES) open and close in response to the levels of moisture in the atmosphere.  Transpiration also transports nutrients from the soil into the ROOTS carrying them to the various CELLs of the plant.

Tree of a thousand stars (Serissa foetida)

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Entry for Bonsai Tree of a thousand stars (Serissa foetida) Tree Type (Indoors)  Update this bonsai term Tree of a thousand stars (Serissa foetida) Tree Type (Indoors)

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TREE OF A THOUSAND STARS (SERISSA FOETIDA) - Distinguished by attractive, dark green (soMEtimes variegated) LEAVES borne at very short intervals along the branch and small white FLOWERS which appear in FLUSHes throughout the year and give the tree its name.

Damp trunks and ROOTS give off an unpleasant smell in its natural environment but this is not noticeable in BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI speciments.

STYLE : Suited to all styles except formal upright and broom, but especially suited to multi-trunk or low spreading styles.

WARNING : Spray less often when in flower as they need to dry off quickly or will deteriorate. Ensure good air circulation.

 Bonsai_Tree of a thousand stars (Serissa foetida) Tree Type (Indoors) Bonsai More

Trimming shears

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Entry for Bonsai Trimming shears Tool  Update this bonsai term Trimming shears Tool
Bonsai_Trimming_shears_01.jpg image TRIMMING SHEARS - Used for trimming twigs and small branches easily and precisely.

The handles are big enough to accommodate all fingers and also allow the picking off of PRUNINGs with the saME hand without having to put the shears down. The rivet should be loose enough for the handles to fall open easily and not have to be pulled apart. The blades should be sharpened to a knife edge rather than a scissor edge in order to cut cleanly, without crushing.


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TROPICAL - Describes a tree which cannot tolerate low temperatures - even if they are above freezing.

Truncate (leaf)

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image TRUNCATE (LEAF) - Oval form but with squared off APEX.

Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image

Trunk of the tree

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Entry for Bonsai Trunk of the tree Tree Parts  Update this bonsai term Trunk of the tree Tree Parts
bonsai_tree_trunk_01.jpeg image TRUNK OF THE TREE - The trunk of the tree provides both structural support and also carries moisture and nutrients upwards from ROOTS to SHOOTS and sugars downwards from the LEAVES to those areas of the tree where it is needed. At its centre is the "HEARTWOOD". This is surrounded by the "XYLEM" (or SAPWOOD) which is in turn surrounded by the "CAMBIUM". The cambium is surrounded by the "PHLOEM" (inner BARK), which is protected by the outer bark.

Japanese term - MIKI

Tsukami yose

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TSUKAMI YOSE - Tree style where several seedlings or slips are gathered together at their root ball so that the bases will fuse together to produce what looks like a single multi-trunk BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.


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Entry for Bonsai Turnbuckle Tool  Update this bonsai term Turnbuckle Tool
bonsai_turnbuckle_02.jpg image TURNBUCKLE - Hook and eye turnbuckles are used to apply gradually increased force to pull large branches and trunks into position.

One end of the turnbuckle is tied to the branch which requires to be bent and the other end is attached to an anchor point, then pressure is exerted by tightening the turnbuckle.

These coME in a range of sizes.

Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image


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Entry for Bonsai Turntable Tool  Update this bonsai term Turntable Tool
bonsai_turntable_01.jpg image TURNTABLE - Generally the saME as a turntable used by potters or cake decorators.

The revolving base enables the tree to be rotated easily through 360 degrees so that all aspects can be viewed during the styling process.

They can range from single plastic discs for easy transport and outside use (shown here) up to more sophisticated versions with "height" and "tilt" adjustability so that all aspects of the tree can be viewed from all angles.

There are many improvised varieties including adapted "lazy susans", cake icing stands and piano stools.

Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image


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Entry for Bonsai Tweezers Tool  Update this bonsai term Tweezers Tool
bonsai_tweezers_rake_01.jpg image TWEEZERS - Used for removing insects , picking off LEAVES or BUD>BUDs, weeding, or placing moss.

Tweezers are often combined (on the opposite end) with a SPATULA (for firming) or RAKE (useful when REPOTTING).

Thanks to - Kaizen Bonsai for use of the image


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Twisted Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Twisted Tree Style
bonsai_twisted_style_01.jpg image TWISTED - Japanese term : NEJIKAN.

This is defined by a TRUNK OF THE TREE which grows in a twisted style (but not exagerated into full coils , which is the BANKAN style).

The existance of SHARI will exaggerate the effect, which in extreME examples can be described as the "barber pole" effect.

This is most often seen on juniper where the red BARK contrasts vividly with the pale shari.

Thanks to - SBA Gallery for use of the image

Two needle pine

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Bonsai_Pinus_Thunbergii_02.jpg image NEEDLEPINE>TWO NEEDLE PINE - Term used to describe pines where needles grow in clusters of 2.  Main varieties are Scots Pine and Mugo Pine, although Red and Black pines also fall into this category.

There are many articles about caring for these types of pine and it is recomMEnded that more than one is relied upon to ensure balance as there are varying opinions in some areas about best practice - especially on the subject of candle PRUNING.


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Ishizuke, Ishitsuki, Ishitzuki
Rock garden style characterised by entire tree planted on a rock but with no soil in the pot. Water or sand ofetn in the base of the pot.

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Gardening Scotland

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