Welcome to the A to Z of Bonsai.
We are compiling a worldwide A to Z of Bonsai database. The A to Z is written collaboratively by the people who use it and we would like to encourage anyone reading this page to contribute to what has become the worlds greatest encyclopedia of bonsai terms. Entries when they are made will be added to an editable list which will be checked prior to publication. Photos and images of the bonsai term can be added and links made to relevant web pages.
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BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI_CROWN>CROWN - The branches at the top of the tree that defines the SHAPE of the tree.
See also: Tree APEX
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CALCICOLE - A tree which will not thrive in ACID soil.
A tree which will thrive in acid soils is known as a CALCIFUGE.
CALCIFUGE - A tree which will not thrive in ALKALINE soil. These plants are also described as ericaceous.
These plants require an amount of iron in their diet which is present in less quantity in alkaline soil, consequently, calcifuges grown on alkaline soils often develop the symptoms of iron deficiency as can be seen for example by the yellowing of LEAVES of AZAlea (Rhododendron). Many BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI growers add SEQUESTERED IRON to the soils of calcifuge plants.
A plant that thrives in liME-rich alkaline soils is known as a calcicole or CALCIPHOBE.
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CALCINED CLAY - This is a form of earth baked into hard granules which allow good water absorption without a BREAKdown in soil structure.
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CALCIPHOBE - A plant not suited by calcareous soil, that tends to avoid calcareous soils, that grows best in ACID soil.
A tree which will thrive in acid soils is known as a CALCIFUGE.
BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAISOCIETY>CALEDONIAN BONSAI SOCIETY - For information of club MEetings, venues and times,
Contact -Telephone Roger on:07944 518617
Lochgelly Meetings are held at the Salvation Army hall, Auchterderran Rd, Loghgelly.
Cupar Meetings are held at: Cupar YMCA, Bonnygate, Cupar.
Thanks to - Caledonian Bonsai for use of the image |
CALLOUS>CALLOUS - The raised roll of BARK tissue that forms on the side of a wound to the tree.
Thanks to - AusBonsaiWiki for use of the image |
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CALLOUS>CALLOUS - The raised roll of tissue that forms as a wound heals and closes.
CAMBIUM - Located between the XYLEM and the PHLOEM, the cambium in the BARK(TREE)>BARK (TREE) is the green material which shows if a twig is scratched.
During the growing season the cambium CELLs constantly divide, producing new xylem on the inside and new phloem on the outside. This process creates the ANNUAL RINGs inside the TRUNK OF THE TREE.
Thanks to - englishdictionaryfree.com for use of the image |
CaMEllia Oil - Use to protect tools, clean and polish pots and clean away pine sap.
A traditional and organic way to to protect tools which come into contact with live tissue on a BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree. Is also used to give a shine and polish to BONSAI POTs before the go onto a bonsai show display area.
Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image |
CamMEllia (Camellia) - Three main varieties : Japonica (Common Camellia): Shiny, oval, dark green LEAVES with red/white/pink FLOWERS March to May. Reticulata: Long, narrow dark green leaves and big, funnel SHAPEd pink/red/purple unscented flowers with 15-20 petals. Sasanqua : Drooping HABIT with lighter green, small, oblong, blunt-ended leaves with white/pink scented flowers with 6-8 petals.
STYLE : suited to every style, except formal upright and broom.
WARNING : Branches are brittle so protect with RAFFIA. Do not leave wire on the tree for more than a month or two.
Thanks to - Wikipedia for use of the image |
CANDLES - This is the term used to describe pine BUD>BUDs which gradually elongate and then split into the pine NEEDLEs which form the tree foliage.
Thanks to - bonsaitonight blog for use of the image |
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