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A to Z of Bonsai Terms

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 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Dai Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Dai Tree Style

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DAI>DAI - A BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree over 60 cms in height.


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Dai_Beech_Bonsai _Tree.jpg image DAI>DAI - Tree size sub-category in the "Large BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI" group, MEasuring between 76 and 122 cms.  Also referred to in japan as "4 Handed" indicating how many men it would take to move one.

Thanks to - SBA Bonsai Image Gallery for use of the image

Dai ki (Oya ki)

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DAI>DAIKI(OYAKI)>DAI KI (OYA KI) - The parent plant - or parent tree in BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.  

Dai-Ichi Bonsai

 - (Dealer)  
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Dai-Ichi_Bonsai.jpg image DAI>DAI-ICHIBONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>DAI-ICHI BONSAI - Offer a wide range of goods for sale on-line from their web site and "Ebay" but also from callers at their two centres within Hillingdon garden Centres.

Contact - Hillier Garden Centre,
Priors Court Road,
RG18 9TG.

Tel: 01635 200667

Contact - Hillier Garden Centre,
Henley Road,
Mappleborough Green,
B80 7DR

Tel: 01527 850202

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 - (Pot)  
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bonsai_daiza_01.jpg image DAI>DAIZA - DAIZA is a wooden base carved to fit a specific SUISEKI viewing stone.

Damping off

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DAMPING OFF - A group of FUNGAL DISEASEs which attack seedlings causing them to rot at the base, collapse and die.  May be combatted by spraying with copper based FUNGICIDE.

Danish Pink

 - (Growing Medium)  
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bonsai_sophisticat-pink-cat-litter-01.jpg image DANISH PINK - This is a particular type of cat litter sold under the brand naMEs Sophisticat and Tesco's Low Dust Lightweight Cat litter (small granules).

Not all cat litters are safe for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI as they may be impregnated with harmful chemicals. However, these brands above are widely used in bonsai - see cat litter in the "GROWING MEDIUMs" section.

The attached weblink provides info on sources and also some bonsai articles about its use.

Thanks to - Sophisticat for use of the image


 - (Other)  
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DansaiMark.jpg image DANSAI - This is a type of "trademark" used to describe unique works by Dan Barton - generally to his pot styles but it has also been used with specific reference to a Scots Pine GRAFT>GRAFTed by Dan from a witches broom found in Ashdown Forest, Sussex (Scots Pine var. "Dansai").

Thanks to - Dan Barton for use of the image

Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)

 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
Entry for Bonsai Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) Tree Type (Outdoors)   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) Tree Type (Outdoors)
bonsai_dawn_redwood_01 - Copy.jpg image Dawn redwood (MEtasequoia glyptostroboides) - This is a DECIDUOUS CONIFER native to Sichuan and Hubei provinces of China where it was discovered in 1941.

It is a fast growing tree (over 100 feet in the wild) with thick, spongy BARK and biPINNATE  LEAVES which are bright green in the summer turning to red in autumn before shedding in winter.

Style : Most suitable styles for BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI are formal or informal upright.

WARNING : Dawn redwoods grown in the ground thrive in full sunlight, but as a potted bonsai, they will dry out too quickly if placed in direct sunlight. Place the bonsai in dappled or filtered sunlight. Be extra vigilant in the summer: Check the soil every day to make sure it is moist. The tree will quickly perish if allowed to dry out.

Bonsai Videos  Bonsai_Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) Tree Type (Outdoors) Bonsai More
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bonsai_deadwood_01.jpg image DEADWOOD - Areas of dead wood on trees which immitate the action of nature where lightening STRIKEs, heavy winds or storms have damaged and killed off a part of a tree.

JINs and SHARIs are examples of deadwood. SoME trees, especially old JUNIPERS can be almost all deadwood with foliage carried on a single live vein.


 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
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DECIDUOUS - Describes a tree or shrub which loses its LEAVES at the end of each growing season

Deciduous Tree

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Bonsai_Crab_Apple_01.jpg image DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREE - A tree that loses its LEAVES at the beginning of its DORMANT season (ABSCISSION).

SoMEtimes referred to a "BROADLEAF>BROADLEAF" trees but there are exceptions (like Larch) which have NEEDLEs which are lost during winter.

Bonsai Videos
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 - (Tree Type (Outdoors))  
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DECUMBENT - Refers to a plant whose stem is prostrate but whose shoot tips ascend. Many JUNIPERS grow naturally in this HABIT which should not be confused with a raft planting or sinuous style BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI since they seek to recreate abnormal growth habits.


 - (Procedure)  
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DEFOLIATION - This is the process used to improve the density of growth and assist in the size reduction of LEAVES on a DECIDUOUSTREE>DECIDUOUS TREE.

The defoliation process involves the partial or total removal of the established leaves normally in late spring or early sumMEr in order to allow time for the new leaves to develop before autumn.

Complete defoliation should only be carried out every other year at the most, in order not to stress the tree too much.

The leaves should be removed by CUTTING>CUTTING with TRIMMING SHEARS at their base, leaving just the PETIOLE>PETIOLE (the stalk on which they grow) so that any goodness within the petiole can drain back and feed the DORMANTBUD>BUD>DORMANT BUDs at their base.

Deltoid (leaf)

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image DELTOID (LEAF) - Broadly a triangular SHAPE with rounded tips.

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 - (Other)  
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DENDROLOGY - The study of trees

Dentate leaf

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image DENTATE LEAF - Toothed form , such as Castanea (chestnut)

Derby & District Bonsai Association

 - (Club or Group)  
Entry for Bonsai Derby & District Bonsai Association Club or Group   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Derby & District Bonsai Association Club or Group
bonsai_derby_bonsai_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAIASSOCIATION>DERBY & DISTRICT BONSAI ASSOCIATION - MEetings offer a varied programme of hands-on workshops plus talks and demonstrations by members and guest speakers. Open to all ages and abilities.

Meetings on last Wednesday of every month except December from 19.30 to 22.00 at :
Grange Hall Community Centre,
Park Lane.
DE23 6FX.

Contact Tony (01332 679584) or Rod (0115 9727141).

Thanks to - From web for use of the image


 - (Treatments)  
Entry for Bonsai Derris Treatments  Update this bonsai term Derris Treatments

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DERRIS - This is an organically derived, short persistance pesticide, otherwise known as "rotenone" used to combat, greenfly, blackfly, sawfly (gooseBERRY, pear & rose) raspberry beetle, flea beetle, small CATERPILLARS, thrips, wasps and red SPIDER MITEs.  It was made illegal to use this after October 2009.

Derris Dust

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DERRISDUST>DERRIS DUST - Organically derived pesticide, rotenone (Derris) withdrawn from use is Oct 10, 2009.

Brand naMEs included : Bio Liquid Derris Plus (spray), Doff Derris Dust and Vitax Derris Dust.

See full list of withdrawn chemical treatments under "WITHDRAWN CHEMICALS".


 - (Other)  
Entry for Bonsai Dessication Other  Update this bonsai term Dessication Other

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DESSICATION - A state of extreME dryness which in BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI relates to soil condition and has the impact of severely weakening and even killing the tree.

Devon Bonsai

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Devon_Bonsai_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI>DEVON BONSAI - Neil Hutchings opened Springfield Bonsai Nursery in December 2009. In the heart of Devon, just north of Dartmoor. The nursery is easily accessible being just a quarter of a mile from Woodleigh Junction on the A 30. Less than 10 miles from Exeter. Junction 31, M5.

Advertised as having 1,000 trees in stock.


Neil Hutchings
Springfield Bonsai Nursery
Cheriton Bishop

Tel: 01647 24866
Mob: 07833 247442

Thanks to - Devon Bonsai for use of the image

Diatomaceous earth

 - (Growing Medium)  
Entry for Bonsai Diatomaceous earth Growing Medium   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Diatomaceous earth Growing Medium
Diatomaceous_Earth.jpg image DIATOMACEOUS EARTH - Diatomaceous earth consists of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled ALGAE. There are a number of varieties, one freshwater DIATOMITE>DIATOMITE mined in Denmark and often referred to as DANISH PINK is used in cat litter which in turn can be used as a BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI growing MEdium.

It is also used as a GROWING MEDIUM in other potted plants.

Bonsai enthusiasts use it as a soil additive, or may even pot a bonsai tree in 100% diatomaceous earth. Like perlite, vermiculite, and expanded clay, it retains water and nutrients, while draining fast and freely, allowing high oxygen circulation within the growing medium.

 Bonsai_Diatomaceous earth Growing Medium Bonsai More
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 - (Growing Medium)  
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bonsai_display_table_011.jpg image DIATOMITE>DIATOMITE - A highly absorbent and water retentive rock used as a component of BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI growing MEdium.



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DIATOMITE>DIATOMITE - A highly absorbent and water retentive rock used as a component of BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI soil ( substrate)

Dichotomous (leaf vein)

 - (Tree Parts)  
Entry for Bonsai Dichotomous (leaf vein) Tree Parts   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Dichotomous (leaf vein) Tree Parts
Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image DICHOTOMOUS (LEAF VEIN) - Veins branching syMEtrically in pairs

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 - (Other)  
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DIE-BACK - When SHOOTS, LEAVES and soMEtimes whole branches wither and dry out. Major causes include drought (birches, willow), late spring frosts (JAPANESE MAPLE, Chinese Elms), and severe winter weather (most imported plants. Root damage or disease can also cause die-back. All dead or dying wood should be removed without delay to prevent the spread of any resulting infection.

Digilate (leaf)

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image DIGILATE (LEAF) - With finger-like lobes spreading from the stem.

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DIOECIOUS>DIOECIOUS - Plants with distinct male and female sexes, requiring one representative of each to set FRUIT or viable seed. e.g. Japanese holly


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DIOECIOUS>DIOECIOUS - This is a type of plant with distinct mail and female sexes which needs the presence of both to generate seeds or FRUITs.  Examples include : Yew and most Juniper and Holly and Ginkgo.



 - (Procedure)  
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BUD>BUDDING>DISBUDDING - Removal of unwanted buds in order to direct the plants energy into the remaining ones.  This is often used in BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI as a shaping technique especially with shohin (small size) bonsai. Unwanted buds if allowed to grow will have the beneficial effect of thickening the branch between it and the trunk. Their removal however, LEAVES scars which are unacceptable on a small tree, so by careful removal of unwanted buds from the front this risk can be eliminated.

Display Table

 - (Other)  
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bonsai_display_table_01.jpg image DISPLAY TABLE - Display stands or tables are used to enhance the overall image of the tree.

It is important that diMEnsions, SHAPE and overall visual weight of the table synchronise with the tree itself, and its pot.

Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image

Dissected (leaf)

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DISSECTED (LEAF) - Describes a leaf SHAPE which is deeply divided or cut into lobes e.g. sycamore

Distichous (leaf)

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DISTICHOUS (LEAF) - Describes LEAVES which are arranged in flattened ranks along either side of the stem in a fan-like manner.

Divided leaf

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Bonsai-Leaf-Shape.gif image DIVIDED LEAF - Leaf forMEd by seperate section emerging from a common base.


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DIVISION - A MEthod or propogating shrubs by carefully dividing the root ball and replanting the seperated sections.


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DORMANT - The period of the year when little or no growth occurs - usually late autumn and winter

Dormant bud

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DORMANTBUD>BUD>DORMANT BUD - A bud which did not produce growth during the season following its formation but remains soMEtimes invisible to the naked eye on or just beneath the surface of the BARK. Dormant buds can be stimulated to grow after a great many years by such things as damage or removal of the upper parts of the tree or by a sudden increase in sunlight as when a neighbouring tree is felled.

Dormant Period

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DORMANTPERIOD>DORMANT PERIOD - The tiME when the tree has naturally stopped growing due to low temperature and short day length , normally winter in the United Kingdom.

Dormant trees may be kept inside for example a garage with no heating and little light as the tree does not require any. Make sure however that the ROOTS of the tree are kept moist as the roots will dry out completely and the tree will die.

As soon as temperatures rise the tree should be removed from the darkened place as they begin to grow.

Dothistroma Needle Blight

 - (Pests and Diseases)  
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Dothistroma NEEDLE Blight - In recent years, Scots pine has been badly affected by DOTHISTROMA NEEDLE BLIGHT disease.  This can form needle discolouration and a significant slowing of growth, almost to the point of stand-still.  

Diagnosis of DNB can be tricky as many other factors can cause temporary or permanent discolouration, so Forest Research has produced this useful field guide to help with identification and it also gives details on where to send samples for diagnosis.

Dou buki

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DOU BUKI - Japanese term for new growth on a trunk or branch caused by PRUNING.

dou-nuki eda

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bonsai_branch_pruning_01.jpg  image dou-nuki EDA>EDA - Branches (called "DOU-NUKI EDA") growing from the middle of the trunk should be removed from your BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI tree. It blocks good growth conditions.


See Branch PRUNING.

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Double trunk style

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DOUBLE TRUNK STYLE - Two trunks attached to each other in the bottom quarter of the tree. The larger trunk is displayed slightly forward of the smaller trunk. In Japanese : SOKAN.

Doug Mudd Bonsai Tables

 - (Dealer)  
Entry for Bonsai Doug Mudd Bonsai Tables Dealer   WWW Link  Update this bonsai term Doug Mudd Bonsai Tables Dealer
Doug_Mudd.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAITABLES>DOUG MUDD BONSAI TABLES - Doug offers a worldwide service supplying high quality hand made bonsai DISPLAY TABLEs in HARDWOODs which include mahogany, cherry, rosewood walnut and more.

All the unique tables are supplied with a protective plywood case.

Contact -


Thanks to - Doug Mudd for use of the image

Downsview Bonsai Nursey

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bonsai_downsview_bonsai_nursery_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAINURSEY>DOWNSVIEW BONSAI NURSEY - Eastbourne bonsai nursery with over 40 years of experience offering the complete service for every bonsai grower with friendly advice and a relaxed atmosphere.

  • Bonsai tools
  • Japanese soils
  • Starter bonsai trees
Weekends & Bank Holidays: :12 - 6pm (dusk in Winter)

Weekdays: Visitors welcoME visitors throughout the week with no obligation to purchase, but need to call to confirm visit prior to arrival

Address: 126 Wannock Lane
  Lower Willingdon
  East Sussex
  BN20 9SJ

Telephone: 01323 485656

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 - (Other)  
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DRAINAGE - This is the free passage of water downwards through and out of the COMPOST. Poor drainage will give rise to waterlogged soils providing ideal conditions for ROOT ROT and prevent vital air supplies to the ROOTS.


 - (Tree Style)  
Entry for Bonsai Driftwood Tree Style  Update this bonsai term Driftwood Tree Style

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DRIFTWOOD - BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI style comprising large areas of of bare , bleached wood often carved and shped into detailed abstract designs.

Duffett (Gordon)

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DUFFETT (GORDON) - Highly regarded maker of BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI pots. Product sold via dealers rather than direct.

Dundee & District Bonsai Society

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bonsai_dundee_bonsai_society_01.jpg image BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAISOCIETY>DUNDEE & DISTRICT BONSAI SOCIETY - Dundee and District Bonsai Society has been in existence for over 10 years.

The object of the club is to further interest in the hobby of Bonsai within Dundee and the surrounding areas. The society holds regular workshops, talks and demonstrations by Bonsai experts.

Dundee and District Bonsai Society is affiliated to the CALEDONIAN BONSAI SOCIETY which is a national group of bonsai clubs throughout Scotland. Annual MEmbership fee is 15 pounds.

Dunkeld Larch

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DUNKELD LARCH - This is a CROSS between the JAPANESE LARCH and EUROPEAN LARCH which was found growing naturally in Dunkeld Scotland at the turn of the 20th century. Known as LARIX EUROLEPIS the HYBRID grows faster than either parent and can be found at higher elevations on poorer soil.

See LARCH (LARIX) for details

Dutch elm deiease

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DUTCH ELM DEIEASE - A FUNGAL DISEASE spread by the elm BARKBEETLE>BARK BEETLE (Scolytus destructor). This is not considered a threat to BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI.



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Sekka_Hinoki_Cypress_Bonsai.jpg image DWARF - A VARIETY or CULTIVAR>CULTIVAR that is smaller than the SPECIES tree but which retains all of the characteristics of the full sized species tree such as the Sekka Hinoki Cypress shown in the image.

Sea also the Japanese BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI Term Yatsubusa.


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EDA>EDA - Japanese word for branches.

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Ishizuke, Ishitsuki, Ishitzuki
Rock garden style characterised by entire tree planted on a rock but with no soil in the pot. Water or sand ofetn in the base of the pot.

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Gardening Scotland

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John Milton Bonsai
Kew Gardens Bonsai Blog
Lutterworth Plant & Bonsai Nursery
Pall Walter (web page)
Peter Tea Bonsai
Ronin Bonsai
Saruyama Bonsai
Satsuki Database
Shohin Europe
Walter Pall Blog
Wee Trees Bonsai Forum
Why Bonsai
Willowbog Bonsai Blog
Bonsai Exhibition
Scottish Bonsai Association
Scottish Bonsai Association (SBA)
A to Z of Bonsai
bonsai photo
Bonsai in Scotland
© Scottish Bonsai Association Telephone: 0131 258 1936   |  Publication date - 19 October 2019   |  Members  |  Email Us

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