Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

 A To Z Entry For Bonsai Tree of a thousand stars (Serissa foetida) (Tree Type (Indoors))

Tree of a thousand stars (Serissa foetida)

 Tree of a thousand stars (Serissa foetida) - (Tree Type (Indoors))

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bonsai dictionary

Distinguished by attractive, dark green (soMEtimes variegated) LEAVES borne at very short intervals along the branch and small white FLOWERS which appear in FLUSHes throughout the year and give the tree its name.

Damp trunks and ROOTS give off an unpleasant smell in its natural environment but this is not noticeable in BONSAI>BONSAI>BONSAI speciments.

STYLE : Suited to all styles except formal upright and broom, but especially suited to multi-trunk or low spreading styles.

WARNING : Spray less often when in flower as they need to dry off quickly or will deteriorate. Ensure good air circulation.

Care Info


REPOT : Every 2 years in early spring.

SOIL : Basic soil mix. 40:60 GRIT:organic.

PRUNE : Branches should be pruned in early spring.

PINCH: Cut back new SHOOTS to 2 pairs of LEAVES and also to maintain SHAPE and thin out crowded areas.

WATER : Serrisa like HUMIDITY and wet ROOTS. Water well (DAI>DAIly) in growing season and keep moist in winter. Daily MISTING also helps.

FEED : BALANCED FEED every 2 weeks during growing season. Weak, low nitrogen in winter if still growing - none if not.

WARNING : Spray less often when in flower as they need to dry off quickly or will deteriorate. Ensure good air circulation.

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