Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

 A To Z Entry For Bonsai Eelworms (Pests and Diseases)


 Eelworms - (Pests and Diseases)

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These are worms which inhibit growth by attacking plant ROOTS

There are several types :  CYST EELWORMs : which pierce the roots creating GALLS which protect them.  ECTOPARASITIC EELWORMs : these may carry viral deseases resulting in yellowing of foliage from the base up.  Root-lesion eeelworms : these build nests which cause CANKER in the roots causing yellowing of foliage and possible fungal developMEnt.

Treatment requires removal of yellowing LEAVES and spraying of remaining foliage with a PARATHION based wash, plus mixing NEMATICIDES with the soil which should be prevented from excess wetness. 


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