Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

 A To Z Entry For Bonsai Oak - English (Quercus robur) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Oak - English (Quercus robur)

 Oak - English (Quercus robur) - (Tree Type (Outdoors))

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bonsai_oak_01.jpg image Oak - English (QUERCUS robur) -

The traditional English oak displays a strongly grained trunk and distinctive short-stalked, muliple-lobed LEAVES which start out as bright green becoming prgressivly darker and ultimately a bronze-brown in autumn.

STYLE : Best suited to MEdium/large size specimens in informal upright, slanting, twin trunk and group styles.

WARNING: Oak is particularly vulnerable to MILDEW. Spray regularly with FUNGICIDE.

Care Info

Oak - English (QUERCUS robur) -

REPOT : Annually until 10 years old and less frequently, as required, for older, larger trees.

SOIL : Free draining soil : 40:60 GRIT:organic.

PRUNE : Branch prune winter/early spring.

PINCH : Pinch new SHOOTS to 1 or 2 LEAVES in early sumMEr. Remove larger leaves to encourage leaf size reduction.

WATER : Water well in growing season, sparingly in winter.

FEED : Every 2 weeks after leaves have emerged until late summer.

WARNING: Oak is particularly vulnerable to MILDEW. Spray regularly with FUNGICIDE.

Bonsai Videos for Oak - English (Quercus robur) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Video 1 for Oak - English (Quercus robur) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

The Oak tree in the UK.

Thanks to - British Bonsai for use of the image

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