Scottish Bonsai Association A to Z of Bonsai Terms

Bonsai Care For Wellingtonia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) (Tree Type (Outdoors))

Wellingtonia (Sequoiadendron giganteum)

Wellingtonia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) - (Tree Type (Outdoors))

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bonsai dictionary

In the wild this is the worlds largest living tree. It is an EVERGREEN CONIFER with a distinctive CONICal outline and drooping branches. It has attractive, red/brown spongey BARK and dark green "awl" SHAPEd LEAVES.

STYLE : Ideal for formal and informal upright, slanting and group styles.

WARNING : Branches tend to resuME upward growth after freeing from any WIRING.


Care Info


REPOT : Every 3-4 years in early spring.

SOIL : Basic soil mix. 40:60 GRIT:organic. PRUNE : Prune during sumMEr.

PINCH : Trim new SHOOTS constantly throughout summer, to create/maintain SHAPE.

WATER : DAI>DAIly throughout growing season (supplemented by MISTING) but infrequently during winter months.

FEED : BALANCED FEED every two weeks during spring/summer.

WARNING : Branches tend to resume upward growth after freeing from any WIRING.


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